Saturday, May 30, 2020

How ADHD Affects Children and Their Future - Free Essay Example

6.4 million American children ages 4-17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, (ADHD Numbers..), more commonly known as ADHD. ADHD is a behavioral medical condition; people diagnosed with this condition have a contrast in brain development and brain activity which affects their attention. ADHD has a significant impact on adults, but an even more extensive impact on children. As adults ADHD affects their time management, work life, and relationships; as children, it takes a toll on their social life, school life, mental health, and their relationships with friends and family. ADHD tends to run in families. Roughly, one-half of parents with this disorder will have a child with the same condition. If a parent has it, a child has more than a 50% chance of having it. If an older sibling has it, a child has more than a 30% chance of having it, says Smitha Bhandari, MD. Although genetics is one of the main causes for ADHD, there are also some other factors. Children born at low weights, or premature are at a higher risk of having ADHD. Head injuries, and intoxication during pregnancies are also factors that can cause ADHD. There are some people who say, ADHD is linked to eating too much sugar or watching too much TV, but these statements are actually myths. Although in some cases this condition is non preventable, ADHD is treatable. In order to be able to treat ADHD, there are some general symptoms and signs to watch for. The main signs for ADHD are moodiness, fidgeting, forgetfulness, and impulsive actions along with about seven others. There needs to be at least six of those signs to be diagnosed with ADHD, according to WebMD. Although, those are the common signs, there are three different branches of ADHD. Inattentive, hyperactivity-impulsive, and a combination of both, Inattentive-hyperactivity. Each of these branches have their own signs and identifications. Inattentive is one of the three types of ADHD. People with this type show increased signs of forgetfulness and lack of interest. They tend to lose items, become bored easily, do not seem to listen, and struggle with maintaining focused (WebMD). Time management is another thing that people with this type may struggle with. Hyperactivity-Impulsive is another type of ADHD, The least common type of ADHD (John Hopkins Medicine). This type of ADHD shows signs of often interrupting others, and struggling waiting their turn. Talking excessively, not thinking before acting, and struggles staying on task are other definite signs of hyperactivity-impulsive ADHD. With this disorder, People tend to make learning more difficult for themselves and for others, (Healthline). Then there is a combination of both or inattentive-hyperactivity, which according to WebMD is the most common type of ADHD (John Hopkins Medicine). With this type of ADHD, people tend to struggle with studying, details, excessive talking, and losing items often.

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